Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So there was this dad...

There was this dad, who wanted to be involved.  He was optimistic.  He was excited.  He was totally fantastic.


Then, labor commenced in the middle of the night and he had just returned home from a grueling double shift.  Mom woke him after doing her best to allow a 45 minute nap and he was groggy.  So groggy, he is later reported to have grabbed Nintendo charger cords in place of phone chargers.  He forgot to put pants on.  He might not have had his eyes open while driving to the hospital.  He barely said a word.

He was perfect.

Standing with his hand on mom's arm...  She relaxed into a puddle.  He didn't have to speak.  His love and support filled the room.  Her group of guardians encircled her while her body and mind did all the hard work of natural labor.  When she couldn't go farther, he gave her strength with his touch.

Dad didn't have much to say, but was a steady, calm, pillar of security for his family.

Then, we met to talk about the birth a week or so after they returned home from the hospital.  Dad shouted "What about me?!  I gave birth that day!  I went through it all!"  We all laughed, but I know deep inside, it's completely serious.  He did.  All dads do.  That's what makes them great.  They are often silent, but it doesn't mean they aren't laboring.  Their kind of laboring is not outward, but inward.  It's amazing.  How often we overlook the daddies.

You, dear dad...  You are the unsung hero.  I couldn't be more proud of how you gave birth that day.

Monday, November 4, 2013

What to Buy/Register for Baby!

(if it's not on this list, you probably don't need it)

Newborn Necessities:

v  Layette  - Fave Brands:  Carters, Sage Creek Organics, Under the Nile and Kicky Pants

Ø  Onsies - #5

Ø  Footies (coveralls with feet) - #5

Ø  Sleep Gowns (elastic bottoms) - #5

Ø  Receiving/Swaddling Blankets (fave brand: Aiden and Anais) - #8

v  Diapering - Fave Brands: Honest Co. and Pampers Swaddlers

Ø  Diapers, newborn-size and size 1

Ø  Wipes (fave brands: California Baby, Mustela or just get regular and rinse the brick)

Ø  Cloth Diapers - (fave brands: G-Diapers, Kissaluvs)

Ø  Diaper Rash Cream - Burts Bees wins hands down

v  Feeding

Ø  Lansinoh Nipple Cream, or Earth Mother Angel Baby brand nipple cream

Ø  My Brest Friend Breastfeeding Pillow (yes, this is important!!, if you plan to bfeed)

Ø  Burp Cloths (anything absorbent and soft against baby’s face will do) #8

Ø  Medela Pump in Style breast pump, if you’re going to be breast/bottle feeding

Ø  Lansinoh breastmilk storage bags

Ø  Dr. Browns or Tommy Tippee bottles, if you plan to bottle feed at all

Ø  Soft, sleep bras (at least 3 of these in the beginning, 1 size bigger) + Breast pads

v  Furniture

Ø  Changing pad

Ø  Rock-n-Play Sleeper - we call it the “Taco Rocker”

Ø  Co-Sleeper (fave brand: Arm’s Reach Mini)

Ø  Co-sleeper sheets

Ø  Stroller/Car Seat Travel System (fave brand: Britax)

v  Other Misc.

Ø  Nail file (you can use the fine gauge side of your own emery boards)

Ø  Thermometer (fave brand: Thermoscan)

Ø  Baby Carrier (fave type:  Pouch-Style - check out “Go, Baby, Go” to try them on)

Ø  Baby Bath Wash & Lotion/Massage Oil (fave brand: California Baby or Weleda)

Ø  Target Brand or Purex Baby Laundry Detergent (fave: same as but less expensive than Dreft)

Newborn Nice-to-Haves:

v  Layette  - Fave Brands:  buying from WAHMs is a great way to support your community

Ø  Carseat cover (in winter)

Ø  Additional blankets are nice, chenille or fleece layered blankets are especially warm

v  Diapering -

Ø  Wipes Warmer (fave brand: Lionheart)

Ø  Changing Station, either on top of dresser or pack-n-play

v  Feeding

Ø  Breast shells (fave brand: Avent)

Ø  Pumping bra for hands-free pumping (fave brand: medela)

Ø  Mother’s Milk Tea by Traditional Medicinals or Nursing Mother Tea by Yogi

v  Furniture

Ø  Rocking Chair with foot stool/ottoman for mom

Ø  Nursery crib and dresser set

Ø  Baby Swing (fave brand: Mamaroo)

Ø  Bumbo Seat (this is for baby once he/she is 3-4 months, but awesome nonetheless)

Ø  Pram-style stroller / jogger (depending on your lifestyle)

v  Other Misc.

Ø  Bath Time (fave brands: Under the Sea Sponge and Spa Baby Eco)

Ø  Pacifier (if you use them, get several Wubbanubs, they are so great!)

Ø  Skin Care (Calendula Cream by California Baby solves most skin irritations)

Ø  Pelvic Support for Mom (you want a thicker band like: Medela Postpartum Support)


Did we forget something?  Have a question about a product?  Just ask!
Call 210-548-8800
email Anne at annecwj(at)gmail.com
or visit us on the web:  http://www.tranquilseasons.com
