Kissy Faces
Seriously, who wouldn't want to spend time with adorable little faces like this? When my little ones were still nurslings, I relished every moment of quiet face-making and knew the entire time that we were having real communication.
I remember a time when my little Rosebud was learning to breastfeed and she looked up at me with milk dripping down her cheek and a big open mouthed, toothless grin. She was a few days old.
Now, surely we've all heard that this is not real communication. As a mother, and as a doula, I've heard everything from uncontrollable reflexes, to gas and everything in between. There is no doubt in my mind that, that day my now-seven-year-old, smiley, outgoing girl was sharing with me her internal happiness.
The people who say this is not real communication are the same people that say babies cannot feel pain. It's silly. It's not logical and in fact, it's just unprovable. Sadly, it reminds me of practitioners who give no anesthesia before cutting a boy's foreskin off. It's the same ill-logic. If a baby winces in pain, we know by the sound and facial expression. How else do we interpret it? Why should we disregard happy expressions? Rather, how beautiful when we begin to see our babies for the small people they are!
We don't ignore older children or adults. We should not ignore our newborns' amazing (albeit limited) ability to communicate as they experience life, process information and learn, learn, learn from us! Take away language and we can all communicate with each other in the simplest of terms - namely facial expressions. I think it's a scary beginning and a very frightening life, to have your every need (physical and emotional, too) depending on someone who sees you as not a real person or fully human.
I just have to say... I don't do well when left to cry. I sometimes need to eat before dinner is served. And occassionally I need to sleep in, in the morning and nap in the middle of the day. I'm so thankful no one deprives me of what I need - emotional or physical.
Next time you're with a little baby, the newer the better... Look into their eyes and listen to what they tell you. It can stir your soul and you might just understand those kissy faces have meaning after all.